At last, spring weather. I hesitate to say that spring is here; we have about 4 to 6 more weeks of winter to go. I've seen nine inches of snow fall in one night in early May, so spring will be here when it's here. On the other hand, last year at this time, the temp was in the 70s. I am tired of the constant cold and the snow and ice on the walks, and I'd like to see the end of the bitter wind.
Today the temp reached 51º, and it was at the end of the day that we got there, so I was finally able to get out in shorts and a t-shirt. I hope the sunlight reflecting off my white arms and legs didn't blind anyone.
It felt good running in the warmer air, and I did my 4.5 in just about 8 minute miles. There was a long downhill at about 2.5, and I opened up my stride and took the downhill in long, fast strides.
Here's hoping the warm weather sticks around, and we don't get snow.