Today felt really good. I seemed to glide along the road (except for the uphill between 14th and 10th Street) effortlessly. the temperature was good, around 45 degrees, and I was well-rested. I haven't felt that good in quite a while.
I went my 3.5 mile loop, up to the intersection of Peachtree and West Peachtree, then back. I wasn't pushing the pace, but I was able to play with my speed all along the route. I had to stop and back up both times I was at 10th and both times I was at 14th. I tried to time my arrival so I wouldn't have to do that, but, especially at 14th street when I was headed south, I couldn't see the intersection until I was almost on top of it.
Next week is when running will get difficult. I've been going out before work, which means leaving the house around 6am. Up until now I've been riding with my neighbor, who leaves at that time as well. He and his wife moved yesterday, so now I'm making my own way to work. Today wasn't bad--my wife doesn;t have anything going on today, so I could drive to the train. (I guess I haven't written in this space that we only have one car. I thnk we may be unique in the Metro Atlanta Area in that we have fewer cars than licensed drivers in the family.) She's going to try to schedule daytime errands and appointments for Mondays and Wednesdays, since those are the days my daughter stays late at school. Than leaves me Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays to work out. If we can maintain this schedule (a big if), it could work out for me.
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