Today went well, I varied my pace, sometimes slowing down and others striding well. I took the long hill between 14th and 10th streets at a hard run, taking it easy on the streets before and after that stretch. I stayed off the clock today, since it was still supposed to be an easy day--no timing means I'm less likely to hurt myself again.
I had quite a scare last night. I went out to do an easy 2 or so, and my 13 year old daughter, who I'll call Electra, decided she wanted to go with me; but she didn't want to run, she wanted to ride her bike alongside me. I was only a few yards away from our driveway when I heard a skidding sound--not a car, but the sound of bike tires sliding across the road. Electra went down in the road, scraping up her arms pretty well, and hitting her head on the curb. Fortunately for all of us, we have instilled in her the idea that whenever you get on a bike, you put on a helmet. She was wearing hers, so all we have is a damaged helmet.
As I heard the skid, I turned around just in time to see her come down, and I immediately rushed over to her side. I'm still not sure whether her arm is entirely OK, since she comes from a long line of people (my side of the family) who just put up with injuries, aches and pains. She was holding her right arm a little bit awkwardly, so I ran her through a series of motions and asked her if any of them hurt. It appears that the only pain she has is in the part of her shoulder where she hit the road, and I think we can attribute that to the impact. I'm still going to watch the way she uses that arm for a while, though.
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