Sunday, June 18, 2006

OK, so windows is being annoying, and not accepting any ascii characters. If I try to use an ascii character, I am sent to a previous page.

It was 80 degrees outside today, at 8 am when I started running. It looks like it will be very hot today, since it was 82 by the time I got back. Running in the heat will (hopefully) make me more acclimated ot the heat, so I can run in the cross-country series in August. Several 5k races at Cobb's Hill Park, culminating in the Tour de Pain; a 5k cross-country race, followed an hour later by a 400 meter run on the track, followed an hour later by a mile race on the track. It all sounds very painful, and a lot of fun.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Almost didn't make it

I dragged myself out of bed this morning and almost got right back in. I'm glad I didn't, though--it was one of my better mornings. Once I got warmed up, I felt pretty good, running lightly and easily--one of those mornings where you can feel why you like to run.

The next race I'm looking at is a 4th of July race, a 5 miler in the town where I grew up. I've actually been running this race since 1977. Not every year, but I've seen several courses for this race.

The race starts and finishes around the same place as the race back in April. This one, however, runs in a different direction, and is quite a bit hillier. The race is followed by an independence day parade and picnic in the park.

Last year's winner was also the winner of the July 4th race held in the town where I now live. On the same day. He won a 10k in Brighton, jumped in his car, rushed out to Fairport, and won the 5 miler.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Trail run

I ran in my second Trail Race today--my first one was last year at this same race. There were two races, the short course (4.5 miles) and the long (9 miles). Since I didn't really feel ready for a 9 mile race, I decided to go for the short course. I was the first masters finisher in the short course, in 40:25. It's a pretty brutal course, with steep climbs and even steeper descents.

I haven't been able to update at all this week because of work. We're swamped, to the point where we can finally afford to hire another person for my department. She starts soon, but not soon enough. I'll be going in to the office tomorrow morning, early, to get some of our backlog cleared. Once we hire the new person, I'll be able to work on that stuff more, and won't be tied down with the kind of sork I've been doing.

I made an error regarding today's race--I gave blood yesterday. I'm not sure whether the mistake was giving blood the day before a race or racing the day after giving blood.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


I ran up to Cobb's Hill today and ran some hills. A city reservoir is on top of the hill, and it's surrounded by a park. There's a road that runs up to the top, around the reservoir, then back down. I went up the side of the hill, a long, steep grass slope, then up and down on the road a few times.

It felt pretty good--I haven't run there in a long time. It was our league course when I was in high school, although I didn't run the section in the woods today.

I missed the Beth El 5k today. I just needed the sleep too much. The race started at around 8 this morning, and I just couldn't get myself up that early today.

(I had to delete and repost this due to a comment spammer)

Friday, June 02, 2006


Temps have gone back down--it was only 64° outside this morning. I got in a nice 5 miles at a nice relaxes pace on my "church run".
The sun is up before 5:30 am now, so I can see where I'm going most of the way.

I'm thinking about running in the Temple Beth El 5k this weekend. It starts and finishes near my house. I'll have to see how I feel. I believe it's on Sunday, not Saturday.