Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Back on the Street Again

After Monday's treadmill fiasco, I decided that I would stay on the streets. It was around 30 degrees out, and I ran in shorts and a sweatshirt.
I get catcalls when I run in these shorts--I've always preferred the split-leg shorts over "baggies" or other kinds of shorts. When I pass women on the street, I sometimes get whistles or "hey, baby" remarks. I've never thought of myself as particularly attractive, just kind of average-looking, but several years ago, one of my wife's co-workers remarked that she saw somebody out running in tights, and she told the women in the office that she "wanted to drag him into the car and do him right there." It turned out to be me.

Anyway, I seem to be holding steady at 150-153 for my weight. Weighed in today at 152. I ran my 2.5 mile loop in 16:18.

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