Sunday, May 30, 2010

back on the bicycle

So I'm back on the bicycle for now. I'm treating the PF with a frozen water bottle, some stretching exercises and massage. Yesterday, I rode for around 22 miles. A good portion of those miles were on trails (the majority, though were road miles). I was hoping to get to the hamlet of Fishers. there's a former railroad bed which runs right through the hamlet, and on a part of which there's an off-road duathlon. I'm hoping to be able to run in the off-road duathlon in October, assuming that I'll be able to run.

Halfway down the railroad bed, there was a fence. A fence across the trail. I thought it was a public trail. I had to turn around (I had gone just over 11 miles) and ride straight back up the trail the way I came.

Anyway, I looked into another route to get there, and I'm going to try again, maybe next weekend.

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