Sunday, April 24, 2005

New Route

I prefer to get out for new routes on Saturdays, since I'm running in the daylight, and have a better idea of where I'm going. Once I run a route once, though, I can do it in the dark very easily. That's why I got out for a new 5-mile route yesterday morning. It's a 5-mile route that I probably won't be running very many more times. One stretch of the route is along a five-lane road, and a good protion of it has no sidewalk/pedestrian area on it. Doing that in the dark would be near suicidal.

This morning, I decided to take a rest day, especially since I had laundry to take care of. Tomorrow, I'll get out for a nice, easy three, with a return to 5 miles on Tuesday.

I'm waiting until I get to Rochester to do my speedwork, since I have several good places there to do the runs, and I don't really know of any here on SI.

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